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“Breaking Barriers Conference and Workshop”

Pamina Firchow

Updated: Mar 12, 2021

EPI Team hosts the “Breaking Barriers Conference and Workshop” with the Peacebuilding Evaluation Consortium, December 2016, Cape Town, South Africa

The Everyday Peace Indicators Project co-hosted the “Breaking Barriers Conference and Co-Design Workshop” together with the Peacebuilding Evaluation Consortium (PEC), DME for Peace. This conference was possible thanks to funding from the Carnegie Corporation of New York and support from Search for Common Ground and George Mason University (GMU).

Community-led initiatives and local participation are key to the successful development of peacebuilding projects, and, thus, have been incorporated increasingly in the last decade. Notwithstanding, there continues to be a lack of local involvement particularly in the monitoring and evaluation stages of these projects.

In this sense, the Breaking Barriers Conference and Co-Design Workshop aimed to identify the challenges for meaningful local inclusion in peacebuilding evaluation. The purpose was to discuss how to overcome these challenges and, most importantly, how to encourage and facilitate deeper participation from all the stakeholders involved.

Throughout the three-Day Conference and Co-design Workshop, the participants, made up of policy makers, academics, local practitioners, donors, and evaluators, worked together to find creative responses and solutions to incorporate local initiatives and enable local participation in peacebuilding programming and evaluation processes.

After a day of presentations and discussion on the Everyday Peace Indicators Project and challenges to the incorporation of communities in M&E processes, the workshop proceeded with a three-day co-design workshop. Through a series of interactive exercises, participants gathered and debated the definition of meaningful participation and inclusion in peacebuilding M&E and their experiences of the learning process so far. They embraced failure and successes stories, in addition to identifying best practices for evaluation processes. Finally, participants shared ideas concerning innovative solutions for overcoming the challenges for local inclusion in peacebuilding processes.

For more information on the workshop please visit:

The presentation delivered by our principal investigators can be found here:

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